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Pick a Train Ambulance in Patna with a Top Medical Crew by Vedanta Professional

1 week ago Services Tāngāil   28 views

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Location: Tāngāil
Price: ৳ --

Do you know which Train Ambulance is suitable for patient transportation from Patna with a full medical setup? In the modern time, safe patient transportation is very essential and Vedanta Train Ambulance offers the finest medical support to the patient during transfer at a low charge. 

Vedanta Train Ambulance in Patna is presently the most reliable source of patient transportation with full medical aid. We are the finest option for the safe relocation of needy patients and you can obtain our service during emergencies at a low booking charge. Train Ambulance Service in Patna offered by our company is the best and most comfortable for the patient. 

To Avail Inquire Today!!

Vedanta Train Ambulance

Address- Office No.10, First floor, Uttaranchal Plaza, Vasundhra, Sector-3 Ghaziabad, NCR, Delhi Pincode- 201012

Mobile: – +919958717839, +919910143762

Email: info@vedantaairambulance.com